Access Keys:

Balnamore Primary School, Ballymone Co Antrim

The role of a Governor

Boards of Governors play an extremely important role in supporting schools to ensure that pupils have every opportunity to develop to their full potential within a caring and stimulating learning environment.

As schools are accountable for what they do, governors must work in close partnership with the principal, staff, parents and pupils to monitor and evaluate the effectiveness of their school in providing the best quality education for all pupils within the school.

The Education Authority acknowledges and thanks all school governors for their time, commitment and dedication to improving educational standards in all our schools.


Annual report 2020-2021


Board of Governors

Chair of Governors

Mr John Devlin


Education Authority Representatives:

Mr John Devlin

Mrs Donna Murray

Transferor Representatives:

Rev. Richard Murray

Mrs Heather Wilson

Mrs Jacqui McKeeman

Mr Francis McKinney

Parent Representatives:

Miss Gemma Moore

Mrs Stacy McClarty


Teacher Representative:

Mrs Tracy White


Mr Stephen Mulligan (non-voting)

Roles within Governance

Chair of Governors: Mr J Devlin 

Vice Chair: Mrs J McKeeman 


Child Protection Safeguarding: Mrs J McKeeman 


Numeracy: Rev Murray 

Literacy: Mr F McKinney 

Leadership: Mr J Devlin 

ICT: Mrs D Murray 


Health and Well-being: Rev M Murray 


PRSD Reviewers: Mr J Devlin and Mrs D Murray